A 20-year-old man found guilty of wanting to behead Theresa May


A supporter of the jihadist group The Islamic State was convicted by the Old Bailey Criminal Court in London of wanting to behead the British government Theresa May in a suicide attempt

Na'a Imur Zakariyah Rahman , 20, arrested in November, wanted to "make headlines", leading to No. 10 Downing Street, the Prime Minister's residence, at a time when May had addressed

The young man, originally from Birmingham (center), was encouraged in his plan by an uncle who entered ISIL in Syria

"Before being prevented by arrest he believed that he was not allowed to do so. had only a few days to reach his goal, which was no more and no less, of committing a suicide bombing on Downing Street, "said Attorney Mark Heuwood

. he revealed his plans in a conversation, on the Telegram messenger, with an agent in "I want to try to kill Theresa May," he writes.

After doing some on-site research and found the location of the security checks, he told another police officer, under cover, that he was "planning to do a sprint of ten seconds "at the door, with the intention of" tearing off the head "for May


Na'a Imur Zakariyah Rahman was arrested in November 2017 by agents claiming to give him a bag of explosives. Follow Newspapers. com and on Facebook!

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