A British official accuses Russia of using Britain as a "poison trap"



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British Interior Minister Sajid Javid accused Russia of using Britain as a "poison sink" after the second case involving Novichok's neurotoxin.

In a statement to parliament, Sajid Javid said: that: "It is time for the Russian state to provide explanations on what happened.It is totally unacceptable that British citizens be the target of deliberate or accidental attacks or that our streets, parks, cities become poison pits, "reports the BBC.

The nerve agent with which the English couple was poisoned is of the same type as that used against the former Russian agent Serghei Skripal and his daughter Julia, but it is unclear whether he Two samples from the same batch

of the British Defense Research Laboratory are convinced that "it is exactly the same neurotoxic agent of the Noviciok family" as that used against the Skripal family in March, said Javid after an emergency meeting of the COBRA Committee on Thursday.

A member of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Russian Parliament, Sergei Jelezniak, described the poisoning of the new couple as "continuation of an anti-rush of public relations that the British authorities are trying to create. "

" This is happening in the context of a positive emotional wave of British fans who came to Russia to support his team at the World Football Championship, at-

According to him, the positive perception of Russia is contrary to the official version.Jelezniak also accused the British authorities of presenting what could have been an overdose of drugs as another poisoning with Noviciok


The inhabitants of the southwestern city of England in which the second case of poisoning Noviciok was reported to be afraid of a possible new contamination

A local, Michelle Jordan, regrets that they had to He tells his two children to not touch anything when they go to the park and wash one's hands.

She expressed the hope that the authorities "will be able to find some answers once and clean things up so that we can resume a normal life."

Authorities have tried to eliminate all traces of chemical weapons after the former Russian spy and her daughter were poisoned in March in the nearby town of Salisbury

Russia worries about the second case of poisoning with the help of a nerve agent, said Thursday an aircraft carrier. Kremlin, Dimitri Peskov, who pointed out that Moscow has nothing to do with any of these cases.

"Russia categorically denied and continues to deny the possibility of any involvement in what happened there," Peskov emphasized

He recalled that London had rejected a Russian demand for 39, joint investigation. "The British side has shown no evidence of Russia's involvement in this case except for unfounded allegations," he said


he speculates that the second case of poisoning with Noviciok in England could be traced to a British source.

A deputy, Nikolai Kovaliov, a former director of the FSB, told Interfax that this new poison could be caused by "a mentally unstable British researcher", who could have stolen the lethal tixin from a chemical lab.

Kovaliov provided no evidence to support his claims

Another deputy, Aleksei Pushkov, showed with the finger of the British leadership. "Something is rotten in the UK," he wrote on Twitter

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