A ferry with 140 people on board sank in Indonesia


Indonesian authorities managed to save 140 people on a ferry that sank Tuesday near the coast of the Indonesian coast of Sulavesi, at least four people having lost their lives, informs Mediafax
. after the end of June, another ferry sank in Lake Toba in Southeast Asia, one of the deepest volcanic lakes in the world, where about 200 people lost their lives
At least four people were declared dead in the incident on Tuesday, said Selayar head of administration for TVOne.
At the time of the sinking, there were several vehicles on the ferry, said the television station. The ship is near the shore
It is unclear exactly how many people were saved, but the images showed dozens of people hanging on the ship's straps or throwing themselves into the water wearing lifejackets
often with incidents such as security measures are often overlooked and ships are overloaded.

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