A Greek predicted the end of his life a few hours before his death in the fires. The message posted


Panos Kokkinidis posted on Facebook a video capturing the devastating flames out of control. The man wrote, "If no miracle occurs, many people will burn alive."

A few hours later, Panos, one of the best bosses of Athens, died at because of the flames. Beside him, his wife, children and mother died in fires, writes the Daily Mail.

Greek authorities have "serious clues" that the fire that killed at least 80 people at the beginning of the week was deliberately provoked, said Minister of Citizen Protection Nikos Toskas

The official explained that the authorities "ask a lot of questions" because the fire started on Mount Penteli and spread to Mati, reported BBC News.

"We have some serious clues and have made relevant observations that show that the fire would have broken out because of a criminal action." We still do not understand many factors, but there are clues that are the subject of an investigation, "said Minister Toskas

He declined to give further details.So, a special department of the fire department opened an investigation for determine how the fire broke out.For the moment, they have drawn no conclusions.

Before the statements of the Minister of Citizen Protection, the mayor of the village said that the flames could have come from an electrical cable,

On Thursday, Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos told the BBC News that illegal explosions would be responsible for the spread of flames, which blocked the lines of 39: access to persons [19659008]]

According to AFP, the Greek government reportedly announced that the relatives of the victims would receive EUR 10,000 and that, for each dwelling affected, EUR 5,000 would still be granted




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