A judge accused of corruption will be at the head of a section of the High Court. Iohannis signed the decree


President Klaus Iohannis signed on Wednesday the decree appointing Corina-Alina Corbu to the presidency of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ).

Corina Corbu by Gabriela Barsan, among the four magistrates of the ICCJ who were tried in a corruption case and acquitted in May by a final decision

The announcement regarding the appointment of the decree of Corina Corbu's appointment was made by the presidential administration. His term as president of the High Court of Cassation and Justice is three years

The appointment of Corina Corbu to this post was submitted to the President on July 11 by the section for judges of the Council Superior of the Judiciary (SCM). Judge Eugenia Marin was also appointed for this post, both of whom supported an interview with the SCM Judges Section

In May, the ICCJ finally decided to acquit the former Head of the Administrative Division of the Supreme Court, Gabriel Barsan, and three other judges of the Supreme Court in a file on corruption offenses opened by DNA prosecutors and who has been prosecuting the Supreme Court since July 2014. The four judges are Gabriela Birsan, Iuliana Pusoiu, Corina Corbu and Anton Pandrea, accused by the DNA prosecutors for corruption, corruption, abuse of service, false testimony, money laundering, favoritism or purchase of influence.

After the final decision of the Supreme Court, the plenum of the SCM ruled that Magistrate Corina Corbu, suspended in 2014 after being prosecuted, resumed her activity in the Administrative and Tax Complaints Division of the SCM. ICCJ

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