A less unusual gesture: Kim Jong-Un, criticized for the slow economic slowdown in North Korea


North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un criticized the Korean authorities for delaying the completion of several economic projects and the slow progress of the economy in recent times, reports the BBC.

  Image of the article Less unusual gesture: Kim Jong-Un, criticized for the slow progress of the North Korean economy

Kim Jong-Un dissatisfied with the slowness of the North Korean economy. North Korean economy. Who Blames It

The criticism of leadership is unusual, since it usually praises officials when visiting factories and businesses.

The event was continued by the North Korean state media. North Korean publications reported that the leader "was speechless" when he saw that a power station had only been completed at 70% and was horrified by the slow pace of economic progress of the plants. factories and companies visited

The comments of Kim Jong-An was then forwarded to the agency KCNA

Pyongyang has always pursued the economic progress of the country, which is the second priority of the system after the development of nuclear weapons

"The fact that the publication of the state Rodong Sinmun has reported criticism the supreme leader should not be overlooked.Normally, these things are not discussed freely in the press because they would destroy the perfect image of North Korea, "said analyst Fyodor Tertitskiy for the BBC.

"We can only speculate on what is happening now, but it seems after the political situation in North Korea has calmed down, Kim has shifted his focus from diplomacy to the economy – and n & # Is not satisfied, "he added.

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