A man was allowed to die in front of the hospital. The doctor refused to cross him to help him


A man died a few meters from the hospital in the city of Rovinari. The man who suffered from pneumonia left the emergency after being informed that there were not enough beds. She crossed the road to the sanitary unit, where it was bad. The doctor on duty refused to cross the street to help him. Police opened a criminal case

The 62-year-old man arrived at the guard room of Rovinari Hospital. He felt sick, received antibiotic treatment and decided to leave hospital alone . The doctors say that they did not initially have a bed for him, but the problem was solved. The relatives of the victim have a different variant

"I admitted to observation with acute pneumonia." The investigations remained to be done. MUSCA 10.29 beds were, initially no beds in my living room, and after finding beds in the other room "It was decided that the patient would stay there," said Roxana Gherghina , a doctor on call, "they said that they had no beds and until his release, he went home and was told that he was sick after l & # 39; injection ". he supports the recommendation of the man.

"I do not know, no one told me that he left the patient at home." At 9:45 pm, ampicillin was administered. </ P> <p> It was the second The first was given at 3 pm Antibiotic tests were also carried out.There may be a reaction, "says a doctor.

The man was injured by the hospital. A woman saw him and tried to help him.

Two other bystanders and an in-patient sought help from the doctor on call. They were told to call 112 and ask for an ambulance. "

" She said that she did not send any ambulance for her to be called 112. In the street, actually in the street, "says a witness. he could not leave the hospital. "They told me to go to the site to resuscitate the patient. I can not leave the hospital, "he says

Faced with such an absurd situation, men who have tried to help man have taken it into his arms and brought him back to emergencies. But it was too late for him. The man was in cardiorespiratory arrest and could not be saved. The cops opened a criminal case for culpable murder. The husband's parents say that they will also complain to the College of Physicians of Gorj.

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