A member of the PNL filed a complaint on behalf of Ludovic Orban. The amount URIAŞĂ that he claims as moral damages


Samoila Pirău, a member of the NLP sector 6, filed a complaint in the Bucharest court, Bucharest, on behalf of the President of the National Liberation Court, Ludovic Orban, alleging that he was prejudicing his honor and dignity in demanding moral damages of 200,000 lei.

. "In fact, as a member of the NLP – Sector 6 Bucharest, we submitted to the headquarters of the PNL a file containing proposals for the NLP electoral platform on 08.08.2017 On June 28, 2018, the PNL motion of censure, which was surprisingly rejected, was submitted to the Romanian parliament. the motion, I found that none of the proposals and solutions presented by myself and other colleagues were included in the motion of censure.Lack of credibility of the leaders of the NLP was due to the fact that, in addition to government criticism, no proposal has been made. solutions on issues of national, economic, social, cultural interest, in all areas of activity.

On 29.06.2018 I went to headquarters asking either the file with my proposals for intellectual property and studies was returned, but the secretary, Madalina Simion, without worrying about looking for it, told me that it should not be found using an offensive and rude tone. If the motion of censure had presented at least some of the proposals and solutions proposed and would have been properly prepared, if it was based on ideas and concrete proposals, the motion would have been voted favorably in Parliament, "complained the Liberal MP Samuel Pirău to the District 1 Trial Court in Bucharest

"In the motion of censure, Mr. Orban has nothing to say, it follows that the opposition party has nothing to to say, it does not bother me that I refuse my proposals but say "Is there a respect for a party member who proposes something?" Samoila Pirau said for MEDIAFAX

He also said that his proposals concerned areas such as the economy, health or migration solutions "The project has 15 pages and nobody reads it." He does not listen to anyone, he does what he wants, "said the liberal.

At the same time, the complaint "

" I mention that on August 2, 2017, as a Romanian-Canadian citizen, a member of the NLP of the 6th District of Bucharest, I invited the defendant to get in touch with the leader of the PNL. with the diaspora in the United States and Canada taking the necessary steps with diaspora organizations in both countries. The accused ignored the invitation and so severely affected my honor and dignity. Throughout his behavior, he embarrassed and ridiculed all my activity, exposing me to the members of the party to which I belong. I would also like to underline that all expenses that would be borne by Mr. Orban Ludovic's travels in both countries were to be borne by me, "the complaint states.

Samurai Pirau criticizes Orban and his decision to file a criminal complaint Viorica Dăncilă "She says she's suing her for treason How can you sue for betrayal It's a basic matter You can not say that it's treason, the betrayal of the Pacepa and Communists C & # 39; 39, is her right to go On a visit, Iohannis was in agreement with her when she called him, "Piraeus said.

In the case filed in front of the Court, the plaintiff Pirau Samoila sues the defendant Ludovic Orban, as president of PNL to be liable for moral damages in the amount of 200 000 lei in order to obtain the l 39; honor and dignity, and order the defendant to pay the costs. 59004]




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