A new "revolution" is coming! tax


Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici said Tuesday evening, according to Mediafax, that the ministry has a comparative analysis of the Fiscal Code and the Code of Fiscal Procedure with a view to applying a new budgetary framework from of January 1st, 2019. [19659002] "My colleagues are working on this comparative analysis with everything that is the Tax Code, the Code of Fiscal Procedure, the article article, if there is a proposal to make and what are the arguments.We work a lot and openly with all that the economic environment means, we have invited the associative structures of the Parliamentary Budget Committee of the two Chambers, so that at the end of the 39; year we have a bill and a Tax Code and Tax Procedures ", said Eugen Teodorovici

In the autumn, following the analysis of the Ministry of Finance, a series of conclusions will be presented, and the New fiscal framework will be applied from 1 January 2019.

"From 1 January 2019 must remain the same as them", added the Minister of Finance, adding: "There have been many changes to the Fiscal Code and to put these changes in a consolidated form in order to know what is being discussed when it is fiscal zone "

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