A police car was overturned in front of Baia Mare station


Representatives of the Police Inspectorate of Maramureş County state that the police car had a girorar, but not sirens. After the impact, both cars were damaged. Fortunately, none of the drivers were injured

"The police car, which operated the light signals, entered the intersection of Andrei Mureşanu and Gheorghe Şincai streets of Baia Mare, at the red light of Electric traffic light in operation, and collided with another car.The two drivers were tested with the most elite aircraft and it was found that none of them n & # 39; 39; was under the influence of alcoholic beverages, "said Florina Meteş, spokeswoman for the Maramureş police, according to digi24.ro

(19659004) In May, a student from the school of Campina police entered the pillar with a car in a light pillar because of the speed

photo source: Facebook Radu Conopan

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