A Romanian arrived from Italy stayed at the border without a car of 25,000 euros


Specifically, on Saturday, July 14, the 46-year-old Romanian reached the border crossing point of Naidas, in Caras-Severin County, for carrying out the border control formalities of a Romanian citizen . The police found that the car driven by the Romanian Mercedes Maca, in the amount of 25,000 euros, seems to be good to confiscate. The alert was introduced by the Italian authorities in May 2017.

Responded to questions from the border guards, the Romanian, resident in Dambovita County, told them that he had bought the car in December 2016, of a person whose identity data he does not know. He also said that he did not know that the car was being sought by the authorities

Border policemen seized the Mercedes car in the Naidas border police area and legal steps would be taken to complete the surveys.

took place in May at the Borş border crossing point. Then a Romanian returning from all over Italy was found without a car at the border. Border police officers discovered that the Audi A3 car driven by the Romanian citizen was being sought by the Italian authorities

Photo: Border Police


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