A Romanian film directed by Radu Jude won the Karlovy Vary Crystal Globe for the first time


A Romanian film won for the first time the Globe of Crystal, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival Grand Prize, Czech Republic

This is director Radu Jude's film, called "I am indifferent The story will go like barbarians. "

The film speaks of the massacre by the Romanian army of tens of thousands of Jews in Odessa, after the conquest of the city -" a daring and modern approach d & rsquo; An infamous massacre, "according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Radu Jude, the director of the movie: " The reason that someone looks at the story is that it is, at least for me, that you always find a link with something today, its lack and the possibility of representation of the ethnic cleansing done by the Romanian army and by the administration in 1941. Of course you look at the world of today Today or today in Europe and do not see the same thing anymore, because I do not think that history repeats itself, but you see racism, anti-Semitism , negationism and many other things, then a story of these times is relevant and that is why we are bringing together these two moments, the present and the past "" Little does it matter if in history we will enter as barbarians " tells the story of the realization of a pageant of the fight of Odessa in the World War II for a street show


Actor Victor Rebengiuc, rewarded for his entire career: "Those on the outside observe the Romanian film"

The trade press calls it "a clever alarm signal" on populism

Ada Solomon, producer of the film : "I think the title of this film, this statement," It is out of place for me that we enter as barbarians in history ", today looks like a quote from one of the political leaders – from the United States, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Turkey – but no, it is a quote that is almost 80 years old. "

The lead role is played by the actress Ioana Iacob – who had a critically acclaimed interpretation

Radu Jude, director for kviff.co: " We all belong to a community, but this should be just a practical matter, you should not treat your community , football supporters with their team. Appear in a community, but you can criticize certain aspects. I do not see any problem and I do not understand why people have a problem with that. "

The film will be in Romanian cinemas on September 28.

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