A Russian woman arrested in the United States. This is the agent of …


Maria Butina, 29, was working under the direction of a senior official in Moscow sanctioned by the US Treasury, said the Justice Department.

The woman was detained on Sunday and was due to be heard Monday by a court in Washington, according to the US Attorney General.

The spy woman is also known to have been protected by Alexander Torshin, a former Russian banker who met Donald Trump Jr. at an official dinner at the NRA convention in 2016.

Torshin was been sanctioned by the United States in April this year

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A Ministry of Justice press release says Butina "has developed relationships with people in the United States and infiltration of influential organizations, with the aim of promoting the interests of the Russian Federation."

In a press release issued by the US Department of Youth, it is revealed that Butina "has developed relations with the (1968), the US government and US intelligence officers have infiltrated influential American organizations. in order to promote the interests of the Russian Federation "

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