A sanitation company mistakenly spilled 100,000 ROL. Now, give the costumes to the court


The sanitation company of Iasi, Salubris SA, enriches a novel by mistake. The company representatives paid more than 100,000 lei to the account of a natural person, instead of the fuel supplier.

The company is now trying to find out who is lucky and get his money back

SC Salubris SA Iasi with two banks after wrongly paying a bill to a fuel supplier. Thus, more than 100,000 lei came into the account of a person who withdrew the money, and the representatives of the sanitation company remained with the damages

Thus, the court from Iasi ruled that Salubris demanded that some banks repay 131,702, 98 lei. Mr. Salubris stated in court that following his contractual relationship with a fuel supplier on March 1, 2017, he received a notification from him informing him of the account number that he was going to payments made to March 1, 2017 and March 3, 2017 paid the credit to the account indicated by this company.

Salubris also mentioned that the amount mentioned in the account but without checking that the account belongs to the supplier, according to the usual procedure and without notice that the payment made does not belong to the company concerned, but to a person physical, which withdrew the sum of money from different distributors

. the payment order of March 2, 2017, we have correctly indicated the name and tax identification code of the beneficiary and the payer, the amount to be paid and what is the fuel equivalent according to the fact February 1, 2017.

The banking institutions were subjected to a validation procedure, the procedure involving the identification of items corresponding to the account, but they did not fulfill their obligations, validating and executing the l & rsquo; Transaction by which the amount was The claimants' representatives indicated that, although they demanded repayment of the sum, their claim did not receive a favorable response and the banks would not be in able to repay the amount requested by the payer ", said the representatives of SC Salubris SA Iasi, steps were taken to recover the amount improperly settled on the account of another beneficiary than indicated [19659007]. One of the banks, in turn, filed a claim seeking dismissal of the claim, essentially emphasizing that its liability could be negotiated exclusively. under the rules governing contractual liability. The representatives of the bank add that they are not in default because they have completely fulfilled their obligations, by transferring the amount indicated by Salubris SA to the account indicated by the latter, the plaintiff being the one who would not have not fulfilled its contractual obligations regarding the proper execution of the order

In addition, the other bank requested the rejection of the application, showing in essence that she had credited the IBAN account of the amount mentioned, on the basis of the order of payment of the date of the payer, and the payment has been processed automatically based solely on the IBAN code, in accordance with its obligations under the legislation in force, because it is not necessary or mandatory to verify additional data, such as the name or name of the account holder.

At the request of SC Salubris SA

"The court dismisses the petition of the applicant as unreasonable (19659003) However, the applicants of Salubris appealed and the file reached the court of Iasi

. did not disclose whose account was paid by Salubris SA, so the company also sent to the police a criminal complaint for deception

"A complaint was filed with the Police Inspectorate Iasi County, the file being at the research stage ", Wednesday, Anca Vijiac, spokesperson of IPJ Iasi

By contrast, the head of SC Salubris SA Iasi, Catalin Neculau, did not could be contacted by telephone to express an opinion on the created situation

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