a survivor of the Ebola virus infected his family one year after having the disease


According to a new case study published in The Lancet, a 33-year-old Liberian woman had the Ebola virus for more than a year before passing it on to her family members. This is the first evidence found by researchers who show that the virus can be transmitted by a woman survivor of infection, resulting in new ramifications that may have an impact on treatment measures and health policies public.

as the Marburg virus, a related human pathogen – is able to persist in certain parts of the body, "said Jason Ladner, an assistant professor at the Institute of Pathogens and Microbiome of Northern Arizona University and co – author of the study.

In the past, male survivors were responsible for resurrections similar to the Ebola virus, "this is the first time that an investigation has provided concrete evidence of the virus. transmitted by a surviving woman in whom the virus persisted, "Ladner added.

In this case, transmission occurred during the last months of the West African epidemic that affected the December region. 2014 in mid-2016. Emia led to 28,000 cases of infection and 11,000 deaths.The study family began to be monitored from November 2015, six months after the end of the year. 39, epidemic in Liberia, writes discopera.ro, citing Popular Scienc e.

Scientists are still trying to understand how the virus has remained so long the body of women. "There is very little knowledge about the mechanism used by the virus to cause persistent infection," Ladner added.

Neither is it known how a virus passes from the latent state to active and life-threatening conditions. a link between the virus and pregnancy at that time

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