A thrilling moment in the memory of Avicii DJ (VIDEO)


The Black Sea Neverside festival brought together more than 53,000 fans on Saturday, the second day of the concerts. Aloe Blacc, one of the artists who climbed the stage, performed a song in memory of DJ Avica (pictured).

"I have had the honor and pleasure of working with one of the greats. I've been working on a song we gave to the world.This evening, I want to celebrate the life of the producer with whom I composed the following song, Tim Bergling, also known as the Avicii.

Tonight we will devote a moment in Avicii's honor and thank him for the legacy he left us, I want you to play with me this song, all over the heart, "said Aloe Blacc, after who played" Wake Me Up ", the song composed with Avicii

" Wake Me Up "was a crazy hit all over the world. ranks first in the charts of several countries, including Romania, Spain, Great Britain, Slovenia, Poland, the Netherlands and New Zealand.In the Billboard Hot 100, the official ranking United States, has reached the 4th place.Video has more than 1.6 billion views on YouTube

We recall that the Swedish DJ Avicii died April 20. He was 28.

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