A Vice President of the PSD signed the initiative "No …


Constantine Ana mentioned that he signed the initiative on Sunday

"Why did I do it?" That I felt, I wanted to prove something, that the pesdemists are people, not monkeys, Secondly, it is a gesture of normality, because despite what many believe, we also want the same thing: a clean country and a European country, so do not think that there is a difference between us and the rest. People also hope that we will live in a country that is clean and fair for our children, which is why I signed this petition, "he told Constantin Ana for AGERPRES

. that by his gesture he wanted to show and that the peshmédistes had to be respected.

"I have lived a terrible fear for a few months, a fear that I can not escape, the fact that we divide every day and that we are and I said that it was a gesture like that to show that we are human, that we must be treated in the same way, respect the same as the others, and understand once for all that our ideal is common, the pesdemists do not want to throw the earth in the trash, or, I'm not one of them, and I think most people think the same way than me. On the contrary, I want to have a country, maybe it sounds fantastic, but I'm really proud of it. "

Asked what would be the implementation of this initiative, the deputy chairman of the PSD said that he wants a" clean country "

" I also explained to him ". USR who was in my office yesterday: any PSD candidate, when filing an application file, submits all necessary documents and criminal record. Basically, at present, any PSD candidate fulfills the condition that the USR or the initiators require, that there are many people who support it. So things from my point of view have a solution. What happens today in the vote, I can not comment, I just want to have a clean country, "said Constantine Ana.

He added that he urged other colleagues of the PSD to sign the initiative

Asked to know if he had appealed to PSD chairman Dâmboviţa, Adrian Ţuţuianu, the mayor of Pucioasa replied: "M . Ţuţuianu does not allow me to give him any advice, but I explained to him yesterday, we met at a baptism last night and we talked. He said that it was my decision. "

Vice-President of PSD Dâmboviţa did not want to answer the question of whether Liviu Dragnea would fall into the category of" penalties. "

" I do not want to answer that question. You know very well how it's going. I'm afraid this action is designed to go against a person, I'm more idealistic, and I think things need to be resolved for the future of the country, not necessarily the vengeance of one person or another. "says Constantin Ana

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