A woman from Arges, a passenger in a car tracked down in traffic, accidentally shot by police – Last hour


A 31-year-old woman who was in a car that Argeş police officers observed was accidentally injured by police Tuesday night to Wednesday after law enforcement officials used the police station. weapon to immobilize a car. car driven by a drunk driver.

Argeş police representatives said Wednesday morning to the MEDIAFAX correspondent that police officers from the rural police department of Lunca Corbului, on mission in Bârla commune, wanted to stop a car running on the DJ 679 from Bârla to Hârseşti. . The driver did not stop at the signal and continued his journey towards the municipality of Hârseşti. The police followed the car and fired several shots to prevent the driver from stopping.

"As there were indications that the man would drive the car under the influence of alcoholic beverages, the police started to follow the car. And acoustic in operation

They again reported to the driver to stop by the audio amplification system of the car.After the lawful assignment, for the immobilization of the vehicle, one of the police executed two lights of Warning in the vertical plane and four others on the car. "

The car was stopped in the municipality of Hârseşti and the driver stopped. The police subsequently found that a 31-year-old passenger had been injured.

Marian Hiru, manager of Argeş ambulances, also said that the woman had not been put in danger for his life. transported to the Pitesti County Emergency Hospital

"This is not life threatening.The bullet came in and out, the lesion being in the chest area. that he ricocheted from a shoreline.He was taken to the hospital, "said Hiru.

The fighting was carried out in a prohibited area between Bârla and Hârseşti

The driver who did not stop at the signal was fined, detained the permit and biological samples were collected for the establishment of alcohol, in which case a criminal case was filed for the driving of a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol

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