A woman in the UK wakes up with a piton in her own bed


A woman suffered the "shock of life" after waking up in the middle of the night and seeing that she was sharing a bed with a peak of almost a meter

The Royal Piton walked into the woman's apartment on Monday night, based in Kensington, West London, according to the BBC.

The woman was quickly removed from bed and called the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), but the snake managed to hide until the arrival of the # 39; intervention team.

The harmless reptile was captured only in the afternoon

Jill Sanders, RSPCA agent, states that "the tenant must have suffered the shock of life"

However, representatives of the RSPCA do not know how the snake arrived in the apartment, but I think it belongs to someone who lives nearby

"Reptiles, especially snakes, can easily escape Take advantage of any opportunity, such as a light door, "said Sanders.

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