A young man was attacked by the bear in Baile Tusnad – Essential


A 27-year-old man, who was attacked by a bear in Băile Tuşnad on Wednesday, was rushed to hospital with chest injuries, hospitalized in the Division of Infectious Diseases, said the president. County Council (CJ) Harghita, Csaba Borboly, writes Agerpres

"The assault of Bear on Tusványos! Unfortunately, what we feared did not escape!" The danger represented by the Tusványos bears can not be removed with some posters or with young Once officially opened the door of summer university and a bear attack has already occurred, the 27-year-old victim is now being transported to the infectious diseases section of Şumuleu Ciuc. Unfortunately, our request to relocate the bear, who attacked the man, was not treated seriously! Who is responsible for the injuries sustained by the 27 year old victim? ", Writes CJ Harghita

He said that the young man attacked by the bear is out of danger, but the authorities of the Ministry of the Environment must take urgent measures to prevent such incidents do occur.

Csaba Borboly stated that the young man was injured by the bull's claws in the chest area and was treated at the hospital, and is now hospitalized in the Division of Diseases infectious because it must undergo treatment to prevent plague.Tusnad baths.The main problem is that a few weeks ago a local man was attacked by a bear with two chickens and it seems that the Ministry of the Environment is not moving in. We have made inquiries, sent addresses, and it seems to be the holidays, the reorganization period of the ministry, because now it has become an agency. occupying protected areas es, our main problem is … it's the same in Miercurea Ciuc, the bear went to the county hospital in Miercurea Ciuc and between every day we send gendarmes, hunters, these people are chasing animals, but the bear is coming back. These bears are used to the food that they find among people. And it's the biggest danger if the Ministry of Environment does not want to make decisions, it's scary, we have not asked that these bears be slaughtered, we asked them to d & # 39; To be relocated somewhere, safely, without affecting people's lives. said Csaba Borboly.

He noted that the population of Harghita bear is three times higher than the optimal number of specialty studies

. "We have overcrowding, almost three times higher than studies say.In Harghita County live more than 1500 estimated bears, we have the opportunity to host about 400 bears," adds Csaba Borboly.

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