About 100 cars stopped in traffic due to fallen alluvium on the road


  About 100 cars stopped in traffic because of inconvenience on the road

About 100 cars stopped in traffic because of alluvium fallen on the road

National Highway 75 is blocked Tuesday evening on a section of 50 meters in Buru, in the department of Cluj, because of the alluvium fell on the road. About a hundred vehicles are stopped in the traffic until the situation is settled

The representatives of the ISU Cluj said they use the equipment of the city hall of Iara and national roads for solve the problems posed by the alluvium [19659004] "DN75 National Road is blocked by alluvium at the entrance of Buru, from Turda.There were slopes of a stream on the slope, on the spot The equipment of the City Hall of Iara and National Roads for cleaning.The road is blocked on a section of more than 50 meters, with about 100 cars stopped in traffic in this area "

Cluj County was warned of the orange storm code until 8:30 pm

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