Activity Report: Housing prices in Bucharest have risen more than those in Vienna, Paris and Brussels. Top growth rates in Europe GPS devices refuse to disappear from the market; Gold prices at the lowest level this year – Business


House prices in Bucharest have risen more than Vienna, Paris and Brussels Top growth rates of Europe. Among the major European capitals, Bucharest is ranked twelfth and ahead of capitals such as Vienna, Paris or Brussels, where the growth rate of house prices was half. On the other hand, in capitals such as London, Rome, Kiev, Oslo or Moscow, prices have fallen. The highest price increase in European capitals was recorded in Berlin, 14.9%, followed by Budapest, 14.4% and Amsterdam, 11.9%. While for Bucharest, the rate recorded was 7.1%, in London, housing prices fell by 0.6%, in Rome by 2.2%, and in Moscow the largest decline was 6.1%. %, according to Economica

GPS devices refuse to disappear from the market After the emergence of smartphones and lower Internet rates, GPS devices have become useless for most users, but not for all. Traditional producers have proven that they continue to manufacture them, and they are found in large numbers in traditional electronics stores and online stores. Those who buy GPS devices and continue to use them are passionate about traveling. They prefer to use such a device when they start their car ride through Europe because they include maps with all European countries, the screen of the devices is much bigger, so having a better visibility, does not need a connection to (19459006)

The price of gold at this year's lowest level The National Bank of Romania (BNR) has Thursday announced a benchmark exchange rate of 4.6596 lei / euro, down 0.02% from the level reached on Wednesday, while the price of one gram of gold reached the lowest level since December 2017 to date. On Wednesday, the euro rose to 4.6607 lei. The price of one gram of gold fell from 160,0344 lei to 159,7419 lei. This is the lowest level since December 22, 2017, when it was 159.7201 lei, according to NewMoney.

Decline in wheat exports this year. Romania lost traditional markets outside the community Romania's wheat exports decreased by 20% in the first nine months of the 2017/2018 marketing year (July 2017 / April 2018), This is partly due to the weakness of stocks in the region, notably Hungary and Serbia. In total, Romania exported 4.8 million tonnes of wheat, compared with 6 million tonnes in the same period last year, according to the latest USDA Agriculture Department. In addition, there has been a major change in the destination of local wheat, so over 30% of the amount has reached other states, especially in Spain, which has bought about 1 million tonnes, or 250 % more than the year Previously, according to Economica.

A gloomy forecast for those with credits. What level will reach the ROBOR index in the coming years? According to data released Thursday by the National Bank of Romania (BNR), the Robor index at three months, according to which rates of interest are higher. Interest on most lei loans are calculated, stagnating at 3.35%. "Robor has experienced strong growth for a number of reasons: liquidity has dropped, external conditions have deteriorated, we expect that in the short term we will see corrections, we can see declines. State spending more, the Robor could even fall to 3.1% at three months.So, in the short term, we can see corrections.But if, in general, if we look at what is happening in the United States, what's happening in the eurozone, the general trend is growing.most likely, not with such leaps, as we've seen up to here, but the general trend is to the rise, according to Csaba Balint, according to New Money.

The Romanian army wants to buy trucks of 3.4 billion lei. The Department of National Defense has launched a great auction trucks, tanks and trailers.The contract would have a duration of 7 years and would be 3.4 billion lei. The announcement was posted in SEAP and the deadline for submission is August 13th. In total, the army wants to buy more than 3200 heavy vehicles. Specifically, there are 2,902 military trucks of different types and 363 trailers. The announcement comes after the Department of National Defense announced in the spring that it would buy another 173 military trucks for about 128 million lei, according to The Truth.

The Siret-Bărăgan Canal, the strategic project abandoned by all governments The construction of the Siret-Bărăgan Canal began in 1987, ie 5.7 km of the 190 km that would connect Vrancea to Bucharest, but after 1990, the project received only insignificant funding. Although politicians recognize the strategic value of this investment, they are doing nothing to secure their funding. Besides the network of highways and expressways, which is in constant debate, being the main objective in the field of transport infrastructure, Romania also has other important infrastructure projects, such as the resumed navigation on the Prut. (19459006)

EU-Russia trade relations: the dependence of the Member States on raw materials and the Russian market. In the increasingly complicated external context of transatlantic relations, with the trade war triggered by the introduction of tariffs on imports into the United States, and with the increasing demand to increase the contribution European states funding armies within NATO trade between the EU and Russia, major player in the international economy and report on the global military force. Last year, according to Eurostat, Russia ranks fourth among the EU's trading partners, with a share of 4.6%, followed by the United States (20%), China (11%) and the United States (11%). %) and Switzerland (8% before Turkey (4.5%). Import was ranked third with a share of 8%, after China (20%) and the United States (14%) , but before Switzerland (6%) and Norway (4%), according to the course of administration

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