Adda spoke of the depression: "I panicked and I cried a lot"


Adda had long been aware of this psychological problem, but she did not think it would affect her either. He did not think it would happen, but the star cried a lot at that time

"I had heard about the phenomenon of postnatal depression, but I did not think at first that I'd I think the first signs appeared just after birth, but I did not want to draw hasty conclusions and I hoped to be something for a while on a background of tiredness and very emotional consumer (…) I realized that I was suffering from postnatal depression when I saw that these conditions persisted.At first I was afraid of not being able to do it, I wanted to know that Alex was good and that would be I was always thinking about how I would react in all kinds of situations where he would need me, I was panicked and we were crying a lot, " declared Adda at the website


Adda did not leave the music on the spot 2 o u during pregnancy, the artist sang until the 8th month. "The period when I was pregnant was a unique experience that words can not describe at true intensity.I enjoyed every moment and stayed professionally active.We went to the studio and even had concerts. But I learned to be more responsible, not to give up rest and take care to feed myself well, and with the baby, I was growing up with about 20 kg more exactly. "

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