Adrian Mutu and Jose Mourinho fought for drugs and …


Castelnuovo Berardenga, with its Azienda Agricola di San Felice, lies 25 kilometers east of Siena, in the heart of Tuscany. The famous "Il Dieci", the wine with the imprint of the former Romanian footballer Adrian Mutu, was born between 1965 and 2009

"We started the collaboration with Adrian Mutu and his partner, a retailer of wine in Prato, near Florence, and I worked from 2007 to 2009. We were delighted that we are associated with an exponential footballer for Italy, at the time when he was playing at the Fiorentina.In the two years we sold about 8,000 bottles of Il Dieci, red, white and pink, "said Fabrizio Nencioni to Freedom

Adrian Mutu, PROCESS to the Tribunal with Alexandra Dinu. From what remains SCANDAL

"Mutu prefers red wine! We were ready for the product in June 2008 and the first delivery to Adi we made it during the EC in Switzerland and Austria. send 600 bottles directly to the St. Gallen national station, and we deliver a few hundred bottles to the British Roy Hodgson and Jose Mourinho, the two former coaches of Inter, even jokingly, thinking of the problems that Adrian had "If you drink it responsibly, you can smoke a pipe," said Fabrizio Nencioni

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