Advantages of fish oil supplements on heart health, questioned by a recent study


The effect of omega 3 supplements on the risk of heart disease, stroke or death would be insignificant or non-existent, according to a study conducted in the United Kingdom

  fish oil shutterstock_586064186 [19659003] Photo: Shutterstock </p>
<p> ] A new systematic review by Cochrane, an independent network of scientists, health professionals, patients, caregivers, and health professionals, combined the findings of six nineteen randomized clinical trials involving 112,059 individuals. The research evaluated the effects on the heart or blood vessels of omega 3 fatty acid dietary supplementation compared to a normal diet lacking such supplements, and one with omega 3 intake. [19659005Omega3isatypeoffatInsmallamountsthesefattyacidsfoundinnormallyeatenfoodsareessentialforgoodhealth</p>
<p>  The main types of omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docohexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA, called long chain omega 3 fatty acids, are naturally present in oily fish, such as salmon, and in fish oils such as cod liver oil. </p>
<p>  Scientists have discovered that the long chain omega 3 has an insignificant or no effect on the risk of death of any health problem </p>
<p>  The increase in the intake of these acids Fat – including EPA and DHA – mainly by supplements has insignificant or no effect on cardiovascular events, risk of death from coronary artery disease, stroke or heart rhythm disorders </p>
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<p><strong>  & # 39; & # 39; The most credible studies have consistently shown little or no effect of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids on cardiovascular health. On the other hand, although fatty fish is a healthy food, it is not clear from the small number of clinical trials that an increase in the consumption of oily fish plays a protective role on our hearts "</strong> said Dr. Lee Hooper at However, omega 3 supplements have proven beneficial for reducing triglyceride levels, but in this case, a side effect has been observed, namely the reduction of Good cholesterol ", HDL, according to the results published in the journal Cochrane Library </p>
<p>  Source: Agerpres </p>
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Omega 3

heart health

fish oil

Benefits of fish oil

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