ADVERSE EFFECTS of consumption of this fruit sold in the Republic of Moldova


We all know the benefits of this fruit. It contains nutrients that help us treat many skin conditions and health problems. It is also used to lower cholesterol levels and increase menstrual flow.

Avocado is well known for its qualities and is increasingly used in diets. Although it has many positive qualities, it can be harmful if it is consumed in excessive amounts.

Below you have a list of the negative effects of lawyers and when you should avoid it.

1. Avoid it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding

It is not recommended to eat avocados during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as this may reduce the amount of milk produced. If a breastfeeding woman consumes large quantities of avocados, the baby may have a stomach problem.

2. Do not consume avocado if you suffer from hypersensitivity

People who suffer from hypersensitivity should avoid avocados because they can cause skin problems or nausea that can lead to vomiting.

3. Causes allergies

The effects of avocados on the skin can be very serious and can cause skin problems, allergies being one of them. Allergy symptoms include redness, itching, hives or eczema.

4. Other side effects

Many people who have consumed avocado suffer from side effects such as flu, paralysis, nausea, migraine, fever, and asthma.

5. Liver disease

The exaggerated consumption of avocados has negative effects on the internal organs, especially on the liver. There are certain types of avocado oil that could cause this. Try to avoid the Mexican avocado containing estragol and anethole. These elements have been tested for carcinogenic reactions. If you suffer from liver problems and want to avoid the side effects of avocado oil, avoid this fruit.

6. Sensitivity to Latex

People sensitive to latex should avoid consuming this fruit because they cause an increase in serum IgE antibody levels in the body that can cause an allergic reaction.

7. Reduces cholesterol

You're probably going to be happy when you read this because it's true, lawyers can even lower cholesterol levels in the body. But if you consume it in very large quantities, it can affect your health because it is rich in beta-sitosterol that absorbs the required amount of cholesterol in your body.

8. Do not consume a lot of lawyers if you follow a diet

The avocado is a very high calorie fruit and if eaten in large quantities, it will help you gain the extra pounds you avoid. So avoid eating avocado several times a day if you are dieting.

9. May cause oral allergies

Just as in the above cases, if you consume this fruit in very large quantities, you can trigger without wanting to suffer from oral allergies, which manifest themselves in itchy mouth and swollen tongue.

10. Medicines

In large quantities, this fruit may decrease the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs. For this reason, consumption can lead to thinning of the blood.

11. Gastrointestinal irritation

If you abuse this fruit, you will have stomach problems. Sometimes it can cause gastrointestinal irritation.

It is the harmful effects of lawyers that you probably have not had a clue. Is not it?


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