Advertise with "sausage salami", premonition for the fate of the little girl playing in advertising? Luiza left the country and … could work in the food industry


2002. An advertisement promoting a specialty sausage becomes … well known. 16 years ago, the little girl with a funny pronunciation simply sucked the Romanians.

The poisoning of GALANT! WHO IS THE PARISER with the highest concentration of salt that Romanians buy

After its appearance in the place of sausage, Luiza Lucuţa has not appeared in shows or commercials. Now, Luiza is 19, she is a gentleman in all her life.After graduating from a high school in Constanta, she became a student at the Faculty of Neuroscience at the University of Glasgow (Scotland) [19659005] Interesting, Luiza (1969006) (function () {var e = document.createElement ("script"); e.async = true; e.src = document. Location.protocol + & # 39; //';document.getElementById('fb-root') appendChild (e);} ());
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