After threatening Iran, Trump wants to see President Rouhani. What answer did he receive?



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Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Tuesday that any dialogue with the United States should begin with a reduction in hostilities and a return to the nuclear agreement,

"Respect for the great Iranian nation, hostilities, the return of the United States to the nuclear agreement … Hamid Aboutalebi wrote in a post on Twitter

He responded to a statement made Monday by the US President Donald Trump , who was ready to meet Iranian leaders & # 39; when they want it & # 39; without preconditions.

& dquo; imagine that they will want to meet , I'm ready to meet when they want " Trump said at a press conference at the White House, not a week after an exchange of verbal threats with President Rouhani.

Aboutalebi said that Iran has opened its doors to dialogue in the past, notably through the telephone conversation between Rouhani and Donald Trump's predecessor Barack Obama in 2013.

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This dialogue was based on the idea of ​​confidence-building measures and the nuclear agreement was a culmination of this effort and should be accepted," said Aboutalebi.

However, spokesman Bahram Ghasemi, Iran's foreign minister, said Monday in front of Donald Trump's statement that the negotiations with the current US administration are impossible

& # 39; Faced with hostile US measures against Iran after its withdrawal from the JCPOA (the official acronym for the agreement) and the reinstatement of economic sanctions, it is unlikely There is no possibility of talks, and Washington reveals to you day after day the character you can not believe "said Ghasemi.Myanorian media Mehr, according to Agerpres.

Donald Trump withdrew the states United States of the 2015 nuclear agreement in May and is preparing to restore Sanctis in two stages, in August and November .The US President said that he wanted a new agreement with Tehran that exceeds the

Trump wants to see the Iranian president

US President Donald Trump, Monday, to discuss with the Iranian leader, without preconditions, ways to improve bilateral relations after the withdrawal of the United States of the nuclear agreement with Tehran, saying, "If they want to meet, we will meet." 19659005] According to Reuters, asked the White House when he was willing to meeting with Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani, Donald Trump said: "I would meet anybody, I believe in meetings." especially when the war is at stake.

The position of the American president is a Significant decrease in tone during the last period when, after Rouhani warned the American leader "not to pull the mustache of the mustache", ensuring that a conflict with Iran would be "the mother of all the wars, "answers Trump in a capti tweet f: "NEVER THINK IN THE UNITED STATES, OR SUFFER FROM SUCH CONSEQUENCES On Monday, at a press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte visiting Washington, Trump said: " I would certainly meet Iran if they want to meet. I do not know if they are always ready. I put an end to the agreement with Iran. It was a ridiculous affair. I think they'll probably want to meet and I'm ready to meet whenever I want. "

Donald Trump made it clear that he had no prerequisites for a meeting with the Iranians:" If they want to meet, I will meet me. "

" If we could find a serious solution, not a loss of paper like the other agreement, I would certainly be ready to meet " Respect for the rights of the Iranian nation , the reduction of hostilities and the return to the nuclear agreement are measures that can be taken to open the pathway prejudicial to the talks between Iran and Iran and America ] replied on Twitter to the adviser of President Rouhani, Hamid Aboutalebi, quoted by Reuters.

Based on an agreement between Iran and six major powers of the world (United States, China, Russia, Ma) France, Germany and Germany) in 2015 in Vienna, Tehran agreed to reduce its nuclear activities in exchange for the lifting of crippling economic sanctions

US President Donald Trump announced on May 8 that the unilateral withdrawal of his country from the US nuclear agreement with Iran, opened the way for new US sanctions against Tehran and companies trading or investing in the country. [19659905]

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Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner

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