After Trump meets Kim Jong-un, the United States will now negotiate with the Taliban


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, during a surprise visit to Afghanistan, pledged to support President Ashraf Ghani's efforts to begin peace talks with the Taliban. Pompeo said that the United States is ready to participate

Pompeo said that the strategy announced last year by President Donald Trump, to send more troops to increase Taliban pressure, is working and assures the Afghans that they will be "In their struggle to liberate their country and the people," the strategy sends a clear message to the Taliban that they can not wait to wait, "added Pompeo


" If we believe that a 40-year crisis can end in a day, we are not realistic, "he said.

Pompeo, a joint press conference with Pompeo, is necessary to progress cautiously. brought back to the discussion an offer by the United States to participate in direct negotiations with the Taliban. They have so far rejected negotiations with what they see as an illegitimate government backed by the West and have called for direct talks with Washington.

The Secretary of State stated that the peace process would be Afghan-led, but that the United States would be ready. participate in resolving differences of opinion. "

" The role of the United States will be important here, but we can not conduct peace talks, we can not solve this problem from the outside, "he said. [19659003] Read also: Historic meeting between Trump and Kim Jong-un The United States is committed to providing North Korean security

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