Alert! People with this type of blood attract ticks


People with a blood group A are at higher risk of being bitten by a tick, concludes a study in the Czech Republic. Tick ​​can cause Lyme disease, also known as "1000-sided disease".

In laboratory tests, researchers from the Masaryk University in the Czech Republic took small blood samples from groups A, B, AB and 0 sterile surfaces on which was subsequently put a common tick, Ixodes ricinus. Scientists monitored his movements for two minutes. The results showed that 36% of ticks tested were attracted to blood group A, while 15% were attracted to group B, according to the Daily Mail

. "The study shows that the blood group could be a blood group, among the determinants of food preferences for Ixodes ricinus ticks.The information obtained on the potential preference of ticks for certain blood groups can be used to reduce the risk of tick sting, "says researcher Alena Zakovska of Masaryk University.

Ticks are usually oval, flat, about the size of a sesame seed, but after they're feeding on blood, they can grow to size and shape. a coffee bean. Pests seek hosts to hang on, and if they are not there, they often climb to the top of a grass and wait. It is estimated that about 17% of ticks carry the borrelia bacteria, which causes Lyme disease, characterized by fatigue, headache, joint pain and cold-like symptoms. The bacteria transmitted by infected ticks enter the blood and affect the joints, muscles, heart and nervous system. In some cases, patients can paralyze

At European level, about 85 000 cases of Lyme disease are reported each year. Europeran for the prevention and control of diseases, quoted by Mediafax.

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