Alex Velea's answer when asked about the arrest. The unexpected reaction of Antonia


Shape a beautiful family, and both know everything one on the other. Antonia and Alex Velea together have two wonderful boys who have inherited the most beautiful of the two parents. Both artists took part in a game and gave the most sincere answers.

One of the questions they were asked was whether they had been arrested and the response of Alex Velea made Antonia react unexpectedly. "I was arrested in a prison of love, here on my left.I am the prisoner of love of that time." said the singer. Immediately after Alex Velea gave this answer in the form of a love story, Antonia peeked at his head, obviously, all in joke form.

Antonia did not let her down and she also said who was arrested. "They arrested me because they said they were a bomb" the singer said. We believe that on the word! Its beauty is illegal!

Dominic sang with his parents

Alex Velea, Antonia and Lino Golden released a new song called "Sahara", and Domnic's voice is what we hear at the beginning of the play. "I sang with my girlfriend, and Dominic's voice appeared on the Sahara I was in the studio and Antonia was recording Dominic was very anxious to put his headphones and a voice in the microphone, and to these voices, Alex Cotoi worked them a bit and made a kind of sample.And so begins our play " says Alex Velea.

Read also: Antonia visits her daughter in Italy. Who accompanied the artist to meet Maya – PHOTO

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