Alexia Eram has a regret that he is moving to the UK to college


Alexia Eram and her boyfriend, Marios Fresh, will form a couple at a distance. In the autumn of this year, she will study in the UK, but Mario will stay in Bucharest.

"I have a two-day vlog. I would like to post once every other day. The first vlog came from Neversea. I want to make a vlog on more things. August is my birthday. I am 18 years old. In September I go to London. Mario is here with me, he claims. It also appears in vlog, it will not appear in every vlog. I will do it with my brother and everyone. Mario stays here in Romania. I will be in a house in London and I will commute every day. I'm about half an hour away by train. This is the only drawback. I want to go home once every two weeks, "said Alexia Eram

Recently, Mario Fresh confessed that he believed in distant relationships and that during his college he could see himself very often. Alexia Eram confirmed all her claims.

"The idea of ​​the piece is inspired by my life.It's about my love story with my girlfriend, Alexia.She goes to university in London this year in september .. I said to make a room for her, to dedicate a song to her.I can not wait to go and show her that he always resists in distant relations, "Mario said. "The plan is two and two, two weeks I, two weeks her, we'll do it, we'll see, two weeks to spend a few days, after which she comes two weeks later." Anyway, she's five months We are doing two years of relationship in a very short time, about two weeks.The two most separated were two weeks.We believe in distance relations.I do not even worry, "Mario said. Fresh. "I think it's normal to be scared, I'm going to a new country, I do not know anyone, but I hope it's okay and I'm going to get used to it." to a faculty of the arts and to do marketing and fashion advertising, "said Alexia Eram

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