An American activist is mounted on the Statue of Liberty in New York – In the world




A woman wearing a T-shirt that says "Rise and Resist" went to the Statue of Liberty yesterday, just an hour after d & # 39; 39 Other people were arrested for posting banners with the message "Abolish ICE" (Immigration and Customs – ICE – Immigration Police, on Ellis Island. Several police teams from New York arrived at the local time at 1:33, following a complaint about the woman climbing the Statue of Liberty.

According to the police, the woman appears to be part of the group of protesters arrested for displaying the banner. They are part of a larger activist organization called Rise and Resist NYC. On the Twitter account, the group announced: "Rise and Resist is at the Statue of Liberty and is asking Trump and the Republican Party to abolish ICE to reunite families now, stop deportations and to put an end to the practice of detention as a means of intimidation, we will fight every day to put an end to the racist immigration policy.


ICEStatuia LibertatiiTrumpimigratieNew Yorkinsula Ellis

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