An American company wants to build a …


An American camera maker plans to develop smartphones that use between 5 and 9 cameras

The US Light Company has revealed to the Washington Post that it's currently working on a smartphone prototype that can have anywhere between 5 and 9 cameras.

Images captured at the same time by cameras, as with today's multi-camera smartphones, are combined into one single photo. In the case of the prototype developed by Light, it reaches a resolution of 64 MP

The prototype still used uses software algorithms to improve the depth of field and the quality of the photos taken in poor lighting conditions [19659005] Huawei first smartphone with 8GB of RAM “/> Huawei launched its first smartphone with 8GB of RAM

Most tops of the current range use a two-camera camera system. Huawei launched this year a flagship product that even has three cameras – the P20 Pro model.

The Light are known for the L16 camera. Available from last year for $ 1,950, this camera takes pictures at a resolution of 52 MP and has a similar size to compact cameras

The US company did not provide a estimate of the availability of a future product

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