An extreme heat wave hits Europe the next day. When he arrives in Romania


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Heat map

The extreme weather continues to make its way to Europe. After storms, floods and fires in recent weeks, a new period is hard to bear in terms of climate. Expect temperatures of 50 degrees Celsius in Portugal!

Meteorologists do not have good news for the next few days. Europe will be covered by an extreme heat wave, and temperatures will reach 36-37 degrees Celsius in some areas of the Iberian Peninsula.

A warming period will include Europe at the beginning of August and temperatures will be four -7 degrees Celsius above the normal average of this period

The first weekend By August, temperatures could reach + 50 ° C in some areas of Portugal, according to the GFS model presented by Severe Weather Europe.

In Northern Europe, temperatures will be 10 degrees above normal in August, so the authorities are vigilant in preventing and neutralizing potential fires

The highest temperatures will be in Spain, Portugal, south of the country. France and Italy, but neither Germany nor Austria will be overtaken by temperatures that will reach even 35 degrees Celsius, according to There are abnormal values ​​for these areas during the summer.

Meteorologists announce that Romania will be a little scared by temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius, but the heat wave will also be felt in us with temperatures that will often exceed 30

To avoid Heat-related health problems, doctors recommend that people consume as much fluid, fruit and vegetables as possible.

We must also avoid long exposure to the sun between 11:00 and 18:00

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