An international team of researchers is working on an HIV vaccine


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They demonstrated that a new drug has triggered a protective response of the immune system in humans and prevented the infection of two-thirds of the monkeys included in the research, over the course of 35 years that have passed since the beginning of the HIV epidemic, only four vaccines have been tested on humans, and the best one has reduced the infection rate by 31%, which led to the discontinuation of clinical trials

An international team of researchers has shown that the new vaccine has strengthened the immune system in nearly 400 healthy adults

In addition, between monkeys vaccinated and exposed to the disease six times, one third were infected.

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Currently, researchers from institutions like Harvard, MIT, and the National Institute of Health have begun testing 2,600 women in South Africa who are at risk of becoming infected and hope to have them. results by 2021.

The clinical study was called "Imbokodo", which in Zulu means "rock" to represent the strength of women and their importance in the community

"These results are an important step, said Professor Dan Barouch, of Harvard Medical School, Boston, and the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, who led the study.

He also stated that this study demonstrated that this vaccine induces a strong immune response in humans and monkeys, providing 67% protection to monkeys.

"These results need to be interpreted with caution, the difficulties of developing an HIV vaccine are unprecedented, and the ability to induce a specific immune response to HIV does not necessarily indicate that a vaccine will protect against HIV." people against HIV, "said the professor

. "We look forward to the results of phase 2-aba Imbokodo, who will determine whether the vaccine will protect people from HIV infection," he added.

According to Terence Higgins Trust, in the United Kingdom, about 89,400 people live with HIV and about 10,400 people who do not know they are infected

London continues to have the highest prevalence of HIV in the United Kingdom United, 40% of people diagnosed living in the capital. Nearly 1 in 50 people living in the Lambeth district have this virus

However, the improvement of drugs helps to control the disease and, for people aged 15-59 diagnosed early, the mortality rate is equal to the population as a whole

Worldwide, the situation is very different, with an estimated 37 million people infected with HIV, of whom only 50% receive anti-AIDS drugs

For the last Clinical trial, the researchers recruited 393 healthy adults ages 18 to 50 in East African clinics. South Africa, Thailand and the United States between February 2015 and October 2015.

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