An investment of 3 million euros in the most modern and successful generation of da Vinci surgical robots


Monza Hospital, the country's largest interventional cardiovascular and cardiology surgery hospital, belonging to the "Policlinico di Monza" group in Italy, invested 3 million euros in the surgery system most advanced minimally invasive, robinson da Vinci Xi

The investment comes a year after the Monza Hospital became the first hospital to introduce robotic surgery into the private medical system . In 2017, the hospital acquired another surgical robot da Vinci with the help of which 5 operations per month

The Vinci Xi robot is the the most modern and advanced computer system that interposed between the surgeon and the patient. By the 3D and HD perspective as well as the rotation at 540 degrees of the robot's arms, it facilitates surgical maneuvers, giving increased visibility up to 10 times, clarity and milimetric precision For patients surgical procedures through the da Vinci Xi robot mean: a decrease in intraoperative blood loss, shorter recovery time a low risk of postoperative postoperative pain complications, early resumption of normal activities and ability to intervene in very difficult cases

Robotic surgery is applicable in specialties such as urology, gynecology and bariatrics Difficult cases benefit the most benefits of robotic surgery, with conditions such as endometriosis (one of the most common causes of such as kidney cancer, bladder cancer (the fourth type of cancer in women and men) or prostate cancer (in 7 out of 10 men with

" Surgery Robotics has come as an alternative to traditional laparoscopic surgery, designed to overcome some limitations of laparoscopic surgery, related to the depth and dissection of some cases. The da Vinci Xi robot is the best and most useful because it is put in the hands of good people, very experienced surgeons and a solid international training. We are happy to have them together and say that at Monza the robots have the soul of the best surgeons and that, in this way, we have made a new step forward in superior surgery and performance ", says The medical teams operating with the Da Vinci Xi robot are composed of: Dr. Cristian Surcel Primary Urologist and Doctor of Science Luca Militello, CEO of the Monza Group Romania Prof. Dr. Elvira Bratila Doctor in General Surgery, specialist in laparoscopic surgery, subspecialized in bariatric surgery, gastric sleeve and gastric bandage obstetrics-gynecology primary, the first surgeon gynecologist who introduced surgery in Romania da Vinci robotics of the urogenital sphere

About the Monza Hospital

The Monza Hospital is the largest surgical card hospital iovascular interventionology in the country. Founded in 2012, the hospital specializes in the treatment of complex cases of niche surgery and benefits from specialties such as: cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery, urology, orthopedics, gynecology or general surgery

L & # 39; Monza Hospital is part of the Monza Group, which currently includes three other private medical projects: Ritmico Clinic, Monza-Bucovina Medical Center, Monza-Ares

The Monza Group Romania is an Italian investment of the group "Policlinico di Monza" [19659004] Newspapers com and Facebook!

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