An unprecedented move against Trump. The EU, Canada, Mexico, South Korea and Japan allies in the US trade war


Leading car exporting countries will meet – without US officials – to discuss the possibility of coordinating their response to President Donald Trump's threat to introduce tariffs, sources told Bloomberg that keep anonymity.

US tariffs, 25% on steel imports and 10% on aluminum imports, came into effect on March 23rd.

Donald Trump also threatened to introduce tariffs of up to 25% for imports of cars and auto parts, a measure that would increase vehicle costs, affect car sales and jobs in the United States. Automotive Industry

Representatives from the EU, Canada, Mexico, South Korea and Japan will meet in Geneva on July 31 to discuss how they will react to the problem. possible imposition of tariffs by the United States on imports of cars and auto parts, writes Agerpres . analyze the prospects for the reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Other sources claim that an international agreement on the reduction of duties on car imports could be concluded

Although US leader Donald Trump and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, have agreed this week. Abstaining from "unilateral actions", while both parties are negotiating a trade agreement, a US Department of Commerce investigation is still ongoing and US law allows trade restrictions if the investigation proves that imports of cars affect national security.

Thursday, US Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, said: " The President has asked us to continue the investigation and gather all the evidence, but we will not adopt the" We have agreed not to impose tariffs on car imports while negotiations are under way. "

Car Exporting Countries Could Conclude an Agreement That Would Reduce Tariffs to Agreed Levels for a specific set of products, a concept known in international trade as a "plurilateral agreement" (allowing states to conclude tariff agreements without including all WTO member countries)

Among those who have Intended to take part in the Geneva meeting: Jean-Luc Demarty, Director General of Direc Juan Carlos Baker, Secretary General of the European Commission, Timothy Sargent, Undersecretary of State for Trade in Mexico, and Japan's Deputy Foreign Minister, Kazuyuki Yamazaki,

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