ANAMARIA PRODAN testified that she is a very hard mother: "Rebbeca has …"


Anamaria Prodan has proven so far that she is a mother and a wife of ten, but it seems that the secret of sexy-impresario is that she is a very close parent demanding

When it comes to his children, his wife Laurentiu Reghecampf claims to be a mother as long as she can. Recently, during a TV show, Anamaria Prodan said more about her big daughter, Rebecca, but also about a less pleasant episode since it was smaller.

"I am a very difficult mother, there is no night to lose, to drink, to smoke, everything is discussed in advance with us." If I said no that's not the case! (…) Rebecca lost a $ 20,000 watch when I was in Hawaii, she threw it in the bathroom. "[19659002] The middle girl's impresario of Anamaria Prodan has become a model as she can be known in the world of the model at home. The age of Rebecca since adolescence is no stranger to the podium, with more and more appearances and presentations, and this passion seems to prevail. I think she's always been encouraged by her mother to follow her dream, Rebecca was a little shy at first.

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