Anca Pandrea, a scary dream about Iurie Darie and Stela Popescu


In the premonitory dream, Anca Pandrea dreamed that Iurie Darie and Stela Popescu were holding her hand and telling her that she was used to loneliness. Anca Pandrea called him Iurie Darie, but Stela Popescu told him in a dream to leave him alone

"I dreamed him two days before the accident." I was screaming and he was with Stela Popescu. They smiled and laughed and told her to come here and she said, "Let go, that you usually be alone." And they held their hands. painting and her eyes change, and this is not only for me, but also for the people who come to visit me, "confesses the actress in the wowbiz show.

Anca Pandrea feels good now that it was only an accident where he lost a lot of blood.He is working hard on a book that he wants to publish as soon as possible. "

" J & # 39; was the only one, but by the time I brought the photo to Iura, I started to realize what had happened.I do not eat anymore, I smoke a lot, it 's long enough, I had to smoke about four cigarettes a day, hoping to reach Iura. But we did not arrive at Iura, we arrived at the hospital. Suicide enough, I do not know how to call it. I still have … I still have to write the book, but I come to get it myself! I do not have a lot of time and come, my doll! "(1969005) (function (d, s, id) {19659005] {function (d, s, id)
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