Anca Pandrea, a scary dream with Iurie Darie and Stela Popescu. What the sad actress told her in her dream


At the end of last month, Anca Pandrea managed to cheat her death with the two dogs of the late Iurie Darie. Two days ago she was injured in the yard of the house, where she was found in a pool of blood, the actress had a premonitory dream that struck her terribly. She dreamed of her husband, but also Stela Popescu. The great lady of the Romanian theater sent a message to her wife, Iurie Darie, who gave her a thrill at the time. She has now understood what it is, in fact, the meaning.

Read: Anca Pandrea, new statements from the hospital after being found unconscious in a blood pond . Doctors told him bad news

Anca Pandrea dreamed of Iurie Darie and Stela Popescu as they held

"I dreamed 2 days before the accident." I was screaming and he was with Stela Popescu: They smiled laughing and told her to come here and she said, "That you are used to being alone." And they hold their hands.

Sometimes they look at his painting and his eyes are changing, and this is not only for me, but also for people who come to visit " confessed to the actress in the show" WOWbiz ".

Anca Pandrea had suicidal thoughts

At age 72, she revealed that lately he has eaten a little and drank a lot. Currently, Anca Pandrea is determined to fight for overcoming medical problems as she has a very important mission: to finish a writing book

"I was the only one, but the moment they did it. brought the painting with Iura, I began to realize what happened to me.
I do not eat, I smoke a lot, I do enough to I had to smoke about four cigarettes a day, hoping to reach Iura.But we did not arrive at Iura, we arrived at the hospital Suicide sufficient, I do not know. not how to call it.I still have … I still have to write the book, but I come to get it myself! I do not have a lot of time and come, my doll! 1969)

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