Andra, letter to his daughter's daughter: "Now I realize that I was incomplete"


Andra is a complete man from all points of view. Since the two children appeared in the world, Andra realized that the life of the two spouses changed completely and she and Cătălin Măruţa felt fulfilled.

Andra wrote very beautiful words to her daughter, confessing that she was not happy. she remembers the first time that he held it

"I long want to write you a letter, the one you read when you grow up, but I never seem to have put words on paper / keyboard as I wish Maybe because I wanted you so much and I feel that what I say is not enough to really express what I feel for you, my dear Eva Ioana Maria. you and David, I thought I had them all: a husband as I dreamed, a career, a passion, a place to call home.But now I realize that I was incomplete and that nothing can match the love of a mother for her children. (…) I'm not perfect, I'm I'm going to have moments when I'm wrong or I can not be near you as much as I want. But I'm trying, for you and David, to be my best version, to give you all that I have of the best in the world ", was it part of Andra's personal blog

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