Andreea Esca left Romania with her family …


Andreea Esca went to Rome with her boyfriend, her husband and some colleagues to attend the concert of Beyonce and Jay Z.

"I saw the OTR II tour of the Carter family, aka Beyonce and Jay Z arrives in Rome and I say … "andiamo"! Of course, we all waited, like never before, the hours to get to the concert earlier. I was at the Olympic Stadium more than ever. an hour before and until the beginning of the show we danced like crazy because the DJ who was supposed to keep the atmosphere put on a very good music.The concert was … from another league at many other concerts I've seen.All history, built on the life experiences and love moments of both husbands, Beyonce and Jay-Z, was perfectly supported by perfectly adjusted musicals, immaculately illustrated and presented on a huge wall.The scenography and concert choreography were undoubtedly a force of the same value as the talent and charisma of this successful couple ", writes Esca, writes

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