Andreea Raicu broke up with her boyfriend before her birthday. Cătălin Măruţă gave a direct hit on television


Today, July 18, Andreea Raicu celebrates her 41 years and even on her birthday, the star has accepted the invitation of Cătălin Măruţă, who has prepared several surprises live on television . At one point, the TV presenter gave up the celebration that she was still a single woman and offered to help her find her choice soon. In addition, actress Malvina Cservenschi wished Andreea Raicu a recording made in London to meet her soulmate.

See also: How Andreea Raicu looks without makeup

Andreea Raicu broke up with her boyfriend before her birthday

Even her birthday, Andreea Raicu was released by friends that she and the mysterious man who appears in his paintings no longer forms a couple. All this, after Cătălin Măruţă teased her fame and asked her if she received flowers from him, yes, gifts. Each time, the former TV presenter did not answer the question and smiled to the lips

"Did you receive flowers from him? Tell me, did she give a present? Leave me with the new office and a lot of flowers! I wonder if you got it from him! To hear and answer, tell me! Please, please. " The TV presenter offered Andreea Raicu a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a vegan raw cake, and even today the famous has launched a new project she is proud of.

" Look, the lion's mouth! I have received a lot of flowers. Very flowers, especially in the new office. But why scream, do you think I do not hear? Hey, what's up there? Aaa, raw vegan! " Andreea Raicu said on the show" La Măruţă ".

Surprize lives for Andreea Raicu

Laura Cosoi, Malvina Cservenschi and Iulia Vântur congratulated Andreea Raicu for her birthday through filming emotional

"(…). For many years, Andreea, I wish you a good day! Have a good trip again. I like you here from India. And I send you all my love. I know it's a country you love a lot, where you've had a lot of transformations, and I want your next trip to be just as exciting. (…) " declared Iulia Vântur

" (…). I want you to be in good health, to be loved, to be loved and to find your soulmate " confesses Malvina Cservenschi

This important detail of the love life of the former presenter of television a month after the charismatic moderator of Pro TV challenged him to a wedding talk.

Read: Andreea Raicu is having a wedding ?! Cătălin Măruţă gave him a nude, and his reaction is delicious

Andreea Raicu, the ardent desires of his birthday

"I was sure, I was really going to get there (…) The best thing I want: to have energy and be open to everything that has to offer my existence, because I am convinced that it will offer me a lot. " Andreea Raicu said. ] Andreea Raicu, with fist as she fingers at her first appearance on television after arriving at the hospital

Andreea Raicu is a former TV presenter

Read: Andreea Raicu, marked by the words her father: "She told my mother that she would choose nothing"

Andreea Raicu was born on July 18, 1977 in Bucharest and is a star of the Romanian television. She debuted as a model and won several major modeling competitions. Later, she entered the world of television, where she presented several shows, including "Big Brother" and "Megastar". Currently he is perceived as a "fashion icon", a promoter of style and good taste in clothing.


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