Andrei Gerea, ALDE: USR tends to confirm the rumors that it is a part created by the system


ALDE Vice President Andrei Gerea said Tuesday that Dan Barna, the former chief of the DNA, Laura Codruta Kovesi, would join the USR and that she would later be a presidential candidate, USR begins to confirm the good rumors that is a part created by the system.

  Andrei Gerea, ALDE: USR tends to confirm the rumors that he is a party created by the system

"From the moment in which the spokesman of President Iohannis announced that he had signed the decree of revocation of the former chief of DNA, Ms. Kovesi's political friends have come to the fore. Some do not know how to raise him in glory, and I do not can not I name Kovesi I and the number one of the Occult, Dacian Ciolos, while others abandon the time of death to find a warm place to retire.The rescue coil of Kovesi was launched a few hours after the dismissal by the USR president, the party that proposes to the former chief of DNA to be politically involved and, neither more nor less become the counter-candidate In this invitation, the USR tends to confirm the rumors circulating in the political space, according to which it is of a party created by the system, "said ALDE MEP Andrei Gerea in a press release issued by MEDIAFAX [19659005] It also says that the gesture of the USR President Dan Barna shows that between the group USR-Cioloş-Kovesi and the group Iohannis "the love chain was broken."

"The gesture of Dan Barna breaks the love chain between the USR-Cioloş-Kovesi group and the Iohannis group and began a fratricidal war to be in the grace of the parallel system." USR reaffirms its status of party to the institutions of power, the leaders of these institutions, a mere instrument that the parallel state has on the political scene.However, nothing is surprising, since USR was the loyal defender of Kovesi, even at times when he was seriously violating the Romanian Constitution and the laws of this country.For USR, it does not matter to defend the rule of law, defend democracy, but for them it is more important to defend Kovesh Codruta and the system that he represents. "

The ALDE vice president says that the party proves that only the ideology of parallel status follows, which decreases training.

"I often hear the USR claim to be liberals as advocates for the rights and freedoms of citizens. However, at the same time, by inviting the former chief of the DNA to join their political project, the USR again agrees with the abuses that were committed against the rights and freedoms of citizens. The conclusion is simple: a lack of character of a party without a backbone, a party that does not have political ideology, but only the ideology imposed by the parallel system. Through all that they do, USR representatives are downgrading themselves as a political party, simply by executing the orders that they receive. No matter how ridiculous they are in the public space, those in the USR are ready to sacrifice themselves, "concluded Andrei Gerea

USR President Dan Barna proposed on Tuesday to the former head of the DNA, Laura Codruta Kovesi to join the party, saying that it is premature to say whether, in the context where he will honor the invitation, he will nominated and party candidate in the presidential election, avoiding spitting when he proposed Laura Codruta Kovesi will be the USR candidate for the presidential elections in 2019.

President of Romania Klaus Iohannis issued the decree of Laura Codruta Kovesi's dismissal from the DNA headquarters, according to the RCC's decision, spokesman Mădălina Dobrovolschi announced on Monday

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