Andrei's first picture of her belly after she was told that she was still pregnant


A photo recently posted by Cătălin Măruţă has caused fans to wonder if Andra is pregnant. Cătălin Măruţă and his wife were baptized, to the niece of Cristian Popescu "Piedone", the former mayor of the 4th sector.The dress worn by the artist was voluminous and brilliant and the fans asked questions. Presenters Roxana Vashniuc also posed with Andra and published the photo on Facebook

Cătălin Măruţă and Andra were at a baptism party, sometimes with the artist having an extravagant outfit. Because of the dress, the fans started asking her if she was pregnant with her third child. On Tuesday (31 July), Roxana Vashniuc also published a photo of the baptism of Andra and Catalin Măruţă. "Naša Andra", writes Roxana Vasniuc in the picture.

Nashica Andra also wrote a beautiful message dedicated to little Antonia: " Happy Birthday, Antonia Maria! Be Healthy and Happy! ❤️ #botez #party" wrote Andra on her page Facebook. The Naşii, Andra and Cătălin Măruţă gave the little Antonia Maria an elegant pink dress, shoes and a pampon – of course, matched.

Fans of the Măruţă couple think that Andra is pregnant

" A beautiful couple, what I love … Is the hut somehow, or the Andrei dress creates an illusion of optics? "," Andra, do you have a pregnant pregnancy? "," Are you expecting a child or does it seem to me? "Congratulations! "Andra, is the third? Come healthy! "," Charged? "," How beautiful are you! ", commented on the fans on the photo posted by Cătălin Măruţă And Andra published an image in which she appeared alone, dressed in the same voluminous dress.And in her photo, the admirers responded in the same way : "Andra, do you make us a nice surprise?" To be healthy, is the second little girl coming? God to help you, " "You are wonderful! Congratulations!", "Charged?", "And I think she's pregnant!". (


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