ANRE announces rising gas prices for households


The price of natural gas increases by 5.83% for households on August 1, decided at the meeting of the Regulatory Committee of the ANRE on the basis of the demands of natural gas suppliers and after analysis of the costs reflected in the final price, informs institution.

  ANRE announces a rise in the price of gas for domestic consumers

ANRE announces a rise in the price of gas for domestic consumers since August 1

The demands result from the fact that as of April 1, 2017, the purchase of natural gas from domestic production has been liberalized and producers are free to sell natural gas at a price that is no longer regulated

Currently, natural gas is sold in the competitive market, including for their acquisition being freely established, based on demand and supply. Between January 2013 and April 2017, thanks to the liberalization schedules established by memoranda and government decisions, the price evolution of domestic production increased from 45.71 lei / MWh to 60 lei / MWh for households consumers. Between April 2017 and March 2018, the average price rose from 67.99 lei / MWh to 73.85 lei / MWh

The sale price of natural gas from domestic production according to the contracts concluded on the centralized market, with delivery during the period August 2018 – March 2019 increased from 77.72 lei / MWh to 80.25 lei / MWh

Cumulative, the percentage of increase in gas prices of domestic production has been in the period January 2013 – March 2019, of 75.56%, ANRE mentioning that she had not and was not competent to establish the level of these prices

The price at l & # 39; 39, the import of natural gas, established in the competitive market, increased between April 2017 and March 2018 from 80.14 lei / MWh to 94.58 lei / MWh

The regulator has the obligation to fix the price of natural gas to households based on the purchase of natural gas by suppliers in centralized markets, plus a tariff. transport, distribution, storage and supply, which are still regulated by ANRE. Transmission rates fell by 26.10% between April 2017 and July 2018, warehousing by 23.42% and distribution rates by 0.7%, according to ANRE.

The Department of Finance proposes, in – a draft decision on the determination of the maximum sales price of natural gas from domestic production, which states that the maximum selling price of natural gas from domestic production to producers at 30 June 2021 would be 55 lei / MWh. According to the project, in order to eliminate the negative effects on households, since April 1, 2017, the selling price of natural gas has been completely liberalized and the growth has been constant and constant






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