ANSVSA: We have been informed of the inclusion of Romania in the Greenyard – Esential distribution list


ANSVSA was formally notified through the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed by the Hungarian National Contact Point regarding the inclusion of Romania on the distribution list. Frozen products from the company "Greenyard" in Hungary Authority, according to Mediafax.

"Today (not Friday) at 18:00, the National Veterinary Health and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) has been officially notified through the rapid alert system for foodstuffs and animal feeds by the Hungarian National Contact Point on including Romania on the Greenyard Frozen Products Distribution List in Hungary, for which a preventive withdrawal has been initiated in all Member States ", said the ANSVSA.

According to the Authority, no notification form indicating the presence of Listeria monocytogenes in frozen products on the market of our country has been submitted in this notification

. "All new information received has been disseminated to the relevant territorial structures of ANSVSA to verify the procedures for withdrawal and recall of distributors and distributors of products included in the distribution list published on Friday," said the source quoted.

"In view of the involvement of several Member States in this case, the European Commission DG SANTE will organize a teleconference with all Member States on 11 July to discuss issues related to the management of Listeria monocytogenes in the European Union. frozen maize and, possibly, other frozen vegetables The topics of the teleconference are the measures taken by the competent Hungarian authorities in this case, an exchange of views on the risk management measures taken at Member States and the recommendations of DG SANTE for this situation ". 19659002] Friday, the National Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) announced that the company Greenyard has removed "as a precaution" all frozen products marketed on the European market, including Romania

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