Apple could force iPhone 2018 generation users to use only "official" power adapters,


The presence of the USB-C connector may not make much of a difference for iPhone users in the 2018 generation, and Apple only requires that they be loaded with official AC adapters.

Following rumors that the new iPhone 2018 models could be used With AC adapters capable of delivering up to 18W of power via the USB-C cable, everyone imagined that Apple has decided to implement the fast charge function of the battery using a method similar to that used in the Android ecosystem. Unfortunately, Apple's strategy is a little different

According to information from Apple's Chinese partners, the industry adapters originally developed for Android smartphones with Quick Charge technology will not work with iPhone phones except in "compatibility" mode, limiting the power supplied to only 2.5W, although the same adapter can provide more than 18W devices based on Android.

Apple's certification requirements for AC adapters and USB cables could be justified by the need to ensure compliance with stricter quality and full compatibility with the company's products, avoiding possible incidents during download

But the consequences for users are easy to understand. If Apple decides not to include an AC adapter with a quick charge feature in the standard package with accessories, it will have to be purchased separately at the company's price. Similarly, users will not be able to borrow the AC adapter from a friend or service colleague who still does not have a state-of-the-art iPhone model, except for They are ready to wait for the battery to be charged in slow mode

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