Apple promises free repair for all its devices in a kind of humanitarian effort


Apple is one of the least generous companies, but it also offers one of the best tech support services in the world as long as you have a warranty and you have not tried to repair the product yourself. So, when Apple announces that it will repair free all devices of Japanese customers affected by floods in the southern part of the country, something is wrong. However, that is exactly what is happening.

Apple announced that all those who were affected by the floods in Japan and still have broken appliances iMac, MacBook, iPhone, watch, screen and iPad For this reason, they can benefit from A totally free service. In general, Apple does not repair devices that have problems due to water contact on the warranty, but only for a cost, but in this case, the company makes an exception. The good part is that the devices do not even need to be repaired.

There are some limits. Beats and accessories can not be repaired, only devices and accessories such as watches and screens benefit free. In addition, repairs can not be ordered online, but only at a telephone number. Free repairs to the device will be accepted by the end of September 2018, but Apple warns that shipments may take longer than usual because courier services could have a restricted access on some roads

Although it does not affect us directly, it is interesting to see how Apple chooses to repair some devices and completely refuses repairs for others. Recently, the company refused to repair even an expensive iMac Pro, a computer that costs $ 5,000 because it was dismantled by an unauthorized person.

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